Every corner of my life

In this space, we’ve been chatting about this thing called fear.

As we learn to fight this fear we begin to ask where it comes from, what it looks like, and wonder why it doesn’t fight fair. When it comes down to it, we really just want to know what we’re supposed to do about it. 

Fear comes in all shapes and sizes.

Fear has been coming at us since the beginning.  I’ve been searching and I’ve discovered that it comes on the scene by the 3rd chapter of the Bible…slipping in on the backs of shame and guilt and inadequacy. 

We’ve been fighting it ever since.

Fear looks different in different settings. Sometimes we recognize our fear, but a lot of times it slips in unannounced and does its best work in the background to impact every corner of our lives.  There is a reason why God reminds us in His Word over and over again, “DO NOT FEAR.” Thankfully the conversation doesn’t end there. 

Let’s dive in.

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